Awards in 2020 & 2019
GEA Chatswood Academy
* Congratulations to our students, who won 9 Gold, 10 Silver and 9 Bronze awards in individual contests, also won 2 gold Team Awards in Intermediate High division and 1 gold Team Award in Junior High division in the WMTC 2020.
* Our high school students C.S. and S.P. are selected by AMT to have the 2020 AMOC Selection School, which only offer very limited places. Congratulations!
*Congratulations to our students who won 5 Gold Medals, 19 Silver Medals and 25 Bronze Medals in the WMI 2020.
This year, 1911 students from 16 countries and regions attended the WMI finals.
*Congratulations to our students who won 10 Prizes, 25 High Distinction and 48 Distinctions in the AMC 2020.
* Our students bagged in 8 gold, 13 silver and 3 bronze medals in the 2019 WMTC in China, and achieved excellent team awards among all the 171 teams.
* Our students won 4 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals in the 2019 MIMO in Malaysia, and achieved 1st runner up in the middle primary team division.
* Our students who won best in state (4 out of 12) and high achievers (13 out of 66 in total) from the AMC 2019.
* Our MO team shinning in the WMI 2019 in Japan.
Our brilliant MO team won 1 the star of the world trophy,
1 diamond medal, 8 gold , 9 silver and 13 bronze medals.
* Our 4 high school students are invited by AMT to have the 2019 AMOC Selection School, which only offer very limited places.
*恭喜我们的学生在个人比赛中分别获得了9金,10银和9 Brone奖,并在2020年WMTC上获得了中高级组金奖2个和中级组金奖1个。
*我们的高中学生C.S.和S.P.被AMT选中,拥有2020 AMOC选拔学校,该校仅提供非常有限的名额。恭喜你!
*我们的学生在AMC 2019上获得州内最佳(12名中的4名)和高成就者(共66名中的13名)。
*我们的MO团队在日本WMI 2019上大放异彩。
* AMT邀请我们的4名高中学生参加2019年AMOC选拔学校,该学校仅提供非常有限的名额。