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Our school students returned with a rewarding experience in 2019 WMTC
我校学生在 2019 WMTC 满载而归 Swept in the WMTC

GEA Chatswood Academy


The 10th WMTC 2019 will be successfully concluded in Beijing from November 21st to 25th. This year there are 1062 students from 7 different countries and regions. Among them, the host China has a total of 21 city representatives. The students formed 171 teams to compete in individual, team and relay competitions. There are 100 gold medals, 200 silver medals and 300 bronze medals in the competition.

In this competition, our school selected 24 students to participate in the competition, forming 3 children's groups (Y6) and 1 juvenile group (Y7/Y9). After several hours of intense brainstorming, all the participating members of our Australian team were happy to win medals, winning a total of 8 gold medals, 13 silver medals and 3 bronze medals. According to statistics, 87.5% of our school’s students are among the top 300, and the overall performance of the individual competition ranks first among all participating countries and cities.

The overall ranking of our Junior Division (Intermediate Division) students who have won individual gold medals:
J. L ranked 4th,
A. W. 11th place

The overall ranking of our Junior Team students who won individual gold medals:
M. L. 4th place
D. H. 6th place
K. W. 7th
H. B. 10th
J. L. 13th
T. H. 14th

In terms of team competitions, our Junior Team (Intermediate Team) and Children's Team (Junior Team), through effective teamwork, stood out from the 171 participating teams and successfully won the team runner-up.

​Congratulations to the students for their excellent results!

在本次赛事,我校共选派24名同学参赛,组成3个儿童组(Y6),1个少年组(Y7/Y9)。 经过激烈的数小时脑力激荡,我们澳洲队全体参赛队员均喜获奖牌,共获得金牌8块,银牌13块及铜牌3块。据统计,87.5%的我校学们名列前300名,个人赛总体成绩位列所有参赛国家与城市的第一名。

我们少年组(Intermediate Division) 学生获个人金牌学生的总排名情况:
J. L 第 4名,
A. W. 第 11名

我们儿童组(Junior Team) 学生获个人金牌的总排名情况:
M. L. 第 4名
D. H. 第 6名
K. W.第 7名
H. B. 第10名
J. L. 第13名
T. H. 第14名

在团体赛方面,我们少年组(Intermediate Team) 及儿童组(Junior Team) 经过团队有效协作,在171支参赛队中,脱颖而出,均成功摘取了团体亚军。


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